Interview with Longtime Ninjutsu Practitioner Lee Relf: Bujinkan Ninjutsu

The Japanese Ninja boom of the 1980s left a mark on Lee Relf, so much so that he sought out ninjutsu. He found it in Arizona with Peter Crocoll and quickly enjoyed what he was learning. Since then, Relf has trained with numerous instructors from Japan and Europe and opened his Bujinkan Seitaku Dojo. Today, … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Ninjutsu Practitioner Lee Relf: Bujinkan Ninjutsu

Interview with Longtime Battodo Practitioners Zach Biesanz and Michael Shane: Aikido, Battodo, and the United States, Part II

Zach Biesanz and Michael Shane both studied aikido and later sought instruction in battodo after repeatedly hearing aikido teachers say aikido movements “come from the sword.” Turns out, there's a lot more to cutting with a sword than mimicking the external movements. Biesanz, after training with Sang Kim, opened his Zentokan Dojo in 2016 with … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Battodo Practitioners Zach Biesanz and Michael Shane: Aikido, Battodo, and the United States, Part II

Interview with Fighting Spirit Karate Founder Sean Schenker: The Spirit of Kyokushin Karate

At the age of five, Sean Schenker enrolled into Kyokushin Karate and eventually found the spirit that the training instilled in its practitioners. That spirit stayed with him when he changed career paths, jumping into music full-time and leading a band. In 2011, Schenker opened his Fighting Spirit Karate across the way from where he … Continue reading Interview with Fighting Spirit Karate Founder Sean Schenker: The Spirit of Kyokushin Karate