
Hello and welcome to Martial Arts of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow! Here at Martial Arts of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, we explore martial arts through the many facets of American History through scholarly-type research, interviews, and editorials. We are always open to guest authors as this is the best way to gain a broad perspective on any given topic. Please enjoy your stay here at Martial Arts of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow!

History Holds the Keys to the Future

In exploring martial arts in the United States, Martial Arts of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (MAYTT) is working towards preserving the rich and vast history and experiences associated with the US and of the many martial artists who came pioneered the way – those who ultimately set things in motion and cemented the foundations for the multitude of practitioners existing today. 

Every instructor and student has a story – their own unique experiences and perspectives on the training they endured and the memories that they carry within their respective art. MAYTT’s mission is not only to preserve those memories and document those experiences but also to uncover the entire picture. No one’s story is considered less thus none will be overlooked and/or denied the time and space to be told. Each story is a piece of history.

Having access to these past and present viewpoints from those who were there creates a bridge; allowing practitioners to maintain a connection to what and who came before (tradition) while continuing to press forward, holding an eye on what is to come (innovation). Without the past there is no present; without the past, there is nothing solid to build from or on today to create a new method or approach to build a future. The past holds a power. Then is the key to the now and now leads us to what will be.

If this is something that you would like to see continue to grow, please considering supporting our MAYTT journey by taking a moment to follow the QR code to the right or contribute directly here.

We appreciate your time and interest in MAYTT and martial arts history!

Antonio Aloia has been training in a mixture of aikido, judo, and Tang Soo Do since 2002. He also holds a Master’s degree in history from West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Currently, he is researching kendo’s, HEMA’s, and aikido’s history in the United States, along with many other martial art styles.