Interview with Tenshin Aikidoka John Araujo: The Balance Between Tenshin and Traditional

After starting Shotokan Karate and judo at a young age, John Araujo found aikido, feeling that it was time to explore this new art. He trained in traditional aikido for a decade until he sought out something more. Araujo searched and found Luis Santos in Florida. After participating in a grueling initiation and relearning process, … Continue reading Interview with Tenshin Aikidoka John Araujo: The Balance Between Tenshin and Traditional

Interview with Sakurakan Dojo Chief Instructor David O’Callaghan: Expanding Judo in Washington, Part I

What follows are the transcripts of an interview with Sakurakan Dojo president David O’Callaghan from the summer of 2019 for one of my graduate projects. In this interview, O’Callaghan talks about how he runs his school and how it interacts with the larger community in Sumner, Washington. This is the first part of a two … Continue reading Interview with Sakurakan Dojo Chief Instructor David O’Callaghan: Expanding Judo in Washington, Part I

A Distinctive Dilemma: How Aikido Struggles to Find an Identity in the Modern World by Michael Aloia

Even during its formation, Aikido has taken on many permutations and multiple interpretations. In brief, its origins are a mixture of physical movements, battlefield ideologies, cultural philosophies, and religious beliefs. More than 80 years after its coining, Aikido continues to take on many forms and interpretations. With the art now moving into a new era … Continue reading A Distinctive Dilemma: How Aikido Struggles to Find an Identity in the Modern World by Michael Aloia

Interview with Yobushin Dojo Founder Paul Smith: Tomiki Aikido and the Jiyushinkai

Paul Smith began training in aikido at the Indiana University Club in 1986, learning Tomiki Aikido. He and the club had an affiliation with a group of Tomiki practitioners in Chicago where Bob Dziubla originated. In 1998, he joined and began following the teachings of the Jiyushinkai under the direction of Chuck Clark, being captivated … Continue reading Interview with Yobushin Dojo Founder Paul Smith: Tomiki Aikido and the Jiyushinkai

Interview with Lifetime Martial Artist Chris Dewey: The Path to Akayama-ryu

Chris Dewey began studying judo under Roy Inman at his Fairholm Judo Club. He later relocated to Canada to continue his training there while pursuing a doctorate degree. Upon moving to the United States in 1984, he took up taekwondo and hapkido until he found another judo club. During that time, he had the opportunity … Continue reading Interview with Lifetime Martial Artist Chris Dewey: The Path to Akayama-ryu

Interview with Longtime Daito-ryu Practitioner Eric Pearson: Finding the Aiki in Everything, Part I

Eric Pearson first stared into the window at the practicing aikidoka during his smoke break at a local pizza shop, convincing himself that his kung fu skills would take out all of them. Then something inspired him to walk in for practice, and he never looked back. He began training under Russell Waddell and Chuck … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Daito-ryu Practitioner Eric Pearson: Finding the Aiki in Everything, Part I

Ukemi: Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight; Life Begins Now

I recently completed the necessary education and received the proper certification for entering into a new career field. As I am applying for jobs, I have already received a handful of responses that contain the unfortunate words of, “We have decided to offer the position to another candidate,” that so many jobseekers’ dread. In this … Continue reading Ukemi: Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight; Life Begins Now

Interview with Kaze Uta Budo Kai Founder Nick Lowry: Karl Geis and Striking Out on His Own, Part I

After spending his teenage years participating in competitive stick fighting, Nick Lowry found aikido by reading a magazine and finding a local dojo. Upon his first watch, he was hooked and quickly became uchi deshi to Chuck Caldwell. He later learned from Caldwell’s instructor, Karl Geis not only aikido but judo and jodo as well. … Continue reading Interview with Kaze Uta Budo Kai Founder Nick Lowry: Karl Geis and Striking Out on His Own, Part I

A Layman’s Observation: Aikido’s Aiki and Its Foundational Benefits

This is the third installment in an ongoing series of "A Layman's Observations" where I discuss my observations on martial arts and combat sports. Read the prior installment here. Since the early 2010s, there has been a movement that attempts to make aikido functional in a combat situation. The question of aikido’s effectiveness as a … Continue reading A Layman’s Observation: Aikido’s Aiki and Its Foundational Benefits