Interview with Order of the Blade Founder Richard Hughes: From the Duel to the Battlefield

Richard Hughes really wanted to be competitive with a weapon in hand. After learning Shinkendo, Hughes found historical fencing and has stuck with it since. He thrived on taking apart a concept, boiling it down to its essential principles and implementing his discoveries into his training. Likewise, he enjoys using this method to reach each … Continue reading Interview with Order of the Blade Founder Richard Hughes: From the Duel to the Battlefield

A Layman’s Observation: Weapons, Distance, and Application

What is the point of doing weapons work, especially what some may perceive as outdated weapons work? Not many people carry swords, sticks, staves, clubs, shields, bucklers, polearms, or even daggers. Not in 2024. Not in the developed world. While the practical applications of such weapons are not the most socially acceptable (or the easiest … Continue reading A Layman’s Observation: Weapons, Distance, and Application

Interview with MKDF Lead Instructor Jess Rozek: The East Coast Growth of HEMA, Part I

Jess Rozek just could not find what she wanted to do. She had tried a class or two of various martial arts, but they were not for her. Not until she watched Reclaiming the Blade in 2011, where it connected with her interests with fantasy and science fiction. From there, she found HEMA and Grunberg … Continue reading Interview with MKDF Lead Instructor Jess Rozek: The East Coast Growth of HEMA, Part I