Interview with Devner Historical Fencing Academy Co-founder Jason Barrons: Diversity in Sword Fighting

Jason Barrons began training in historical fencing in 2014 at the New York Historical Fencing Association. He later found himself in Denver, Colorado with Aaron Karnuta and Sam Ross where the three of them founded the Denver Historical Fencing Academy. Since then, Barrons remains as the sole founder of the school but is joined by … Continue reading Interview with Devner Historical Fencing Academy Co-founder Jason Barrons: Diversity in Sword Fighting

Interview with Retired HEMAist Michael Edelson: HEMA in the Northeast, Part II

Michael Edelson began studying Yagyu Shinkage-ryu in the early 1990s and happened onto historical fencing by chance. From there, he bought himself a fight book, gathered some friends together, and started figuring out what the historical sources said to do. In 2005, Edelson established his New York Historical Fencing Association. Becoming friends with influential personality … Continue reading Interview with Retired HEMAist Michael Edelson: HEMA in the Northeast, Part II

Interview with Retired HEMAist Michael Edelson: HEMA in the Northeast, Part I

Michael Edelson began studying Yagyu Shinkage-ryu in the early 1990s and happened onto historical fencing by chance. From there, he bought himself a fight book, gathered some friends together, and started figuring out what the historical sources said to do. In 2005, Edelson established his New York Historical Fencing Association. Becoming friends with influential personality … Continue reading Interview with Retired HEMAist Michael Edelson: HEMA in the Northeast, Part I