Interview with Lightspeed Saber League Founder Cang Snow: The Uniqueness of Light-Based Fencing

After spending some time in Olympic Epee, Cang Snow wanted to find a sport that was both fun for the participant and the spectator. He set out to establish Lightspeed Saber League for just that. In the aftermath of the recent Covid pandemic, the League has grown, something which Snow is planning on continuing. Today, … Continue reading Interview with Lightspeed Saber League Founder Cang Snow: The Uniqueness of Light-Based Fencing

Interview with Starbird Academy Instructor Kat Laurange: All the Things!

An avid Star Wars fan, it did not take a lot of convincing for Kat Laurange to try out light-based fencing with the now-defunct Kyber Combat. At the same time, she was training winged sabre with Russ Mitchell, who headed Starbird Saber Academy. In 2023, Laurange took over instructional responsibilities and, just like training in … Continue reading Interview with Starbird Academy Instructor Kat Laurange: All the Things!

Interview with Histroical and Light-Based Fencer Russ Mitchell: The Melding of Historical and Lightspeed Saber

Russ Mitchell first began historical fencing while in Hungary conducting graduate research. After traveling around for historical fencing, he came upon Lightspeed Saber during a tournament and began it on a whim. Then he was hooked. He founded Starbird Saber Academy and Winged Sabre at Warlord Combat Academy. Today, Russ discusses how historical fencing and … Continue reading Interview with Histroical and Light-Based Fencer Russ Mitchell: The Melding of Historical and Lightspeed Saber

Interview Rockville Squadron Founder Chris Stadther: Finding Fencing During the Pandemic

After spending fifteen years of Olympic Fencing, Chris Stadther was looking for another form of fencing that complemented his previous training. He found Lightspeed Saber League but continued to look for a group to train with. When he did during the recent Covid-19 pandemic, he quickly took to it. Within a year, Stadther founded his … Continue reading Interview Rockville Squadron Founder Chris Stadther: Finding Fencing During the Pandemic

Interview with Star Temple Lead Instructor Dakota Eggert: Culture in a Fast Fencing League

Lightspeed Saber appealed to Dakota Eggert differently than other sports like boxing and karate. He cites that the culture of Lightspeed Saber keeps him coming back to continue training and teaching. In 2019, Eggert founded his Star Temple school and has seen the Lightspeed Saber League grow since he joined. Today, Eggert discusses the culture … Continue reading Interview with Star Temple Lead Instructor Dakota Eggert: Culture in a Fast Fencing League