Interview with Round Table Historical Fencing Founder Jacob McDonald: Jeremy Pace’s Influence in the Northeast

Jacob McDonald first began training in empty-hand martial arts like karate and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu but then the “martial realities” of weapons-based arts took hold of him, finding an instructor with Jeremy Pace of Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts in Oklahoma. After returning to Maryland in 2017, McDonald established his Round Table Historical Fencing, then … Continue reading Interview with Round Table Historical Fencing Founder Jacob McDonald: Jeremy Pace’s Influence in the Northeast

Interview with Round Table Historical Fencing Instructor Kevin Rezac: Loving to Fence and Everything In Between

Kevin Rezac always wanted to be a knight, ever since he was a child. This aspiration drew him to the sword arts, first Olympic Sabre then to historical fencing in 2016. Upon joining the Historical European Martial Arts community, he began learning at Round Table Historical Fencing and soon also began to teach there with … Continue reading Interview with Round Table Historical Fencing Instructor Kevin Rezac: Loving to Fence and Everything In Between