Interview with Granite Forest Dojo Founder Bruce Costa: The Impact of Karate Training, Part II

Bruce Costa began training in Shotokan Karate under Teruyuki Okazaki in 1980 while at Temple University. What made him stay was the depth of content as represented by Okazaki himself, as opposed to what Costa had seen in popular culture.  Since then, he opened Granite Forest Dojo in 2002 and has been a consistent and … Continue reading Interview with Granite Forest Dojo Founder Bruce Costa: The Impact of Karate Training, Part II

Interview with Longtime Karateka Eon Waldron: The Americanization of Shotokan Karate

This is a transcript of an interview with Eon Waldron in the spring of 2019. Here, we discuss the early current state of karate in the United States. Martial Arts of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: I would like to welcome you and thank you for taking some time to talk about karate. Eon Waldron: Thank … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Karateka Eon Waldron: The Americanization of Shotokan Karate

Interview with Boulder Shotokan Karate Chief Instructor Bruce Green: The Current State of Karate in America

Beginning his karate training in 1970, Bruce Green placed as a finalist in the Japanese Karate Association National Collegiate Karate Championships consecutively from 1973 to 1975. He became the chief instructor of Boulder Shotokan Karate in 1980. The following is a transcript from Spring 2019 discussing the current state of karate in America. All images … Continue reading Interview with Boulder Shotokan Karate Chief Instructor Bruce Green: The Current State of Karate in America

Interview with Secretary of Technical Committee Cathy Cline: Her Karate Journey

This is a transcript of an interview with Secretary of Technical Committee of the International Shotokan Karate Federation in the spring of 2019. Here, we discuss the current state of karate in the United States, her early years of training, and her thoughts and feelings on being the first woman in Shotokan Karate to earn … Continue reading Interview with Secretary of Technical Committee Cathy Cline: Her Karate Journey