Interview with Longtime Aikidoka George Ledyard: The Past and the Future of Aikido, Part I

During a time of anti-violent movements, George Ledyard stumbled upon an aikido demonstration while living in Washington DC. After watching the demonstration and talking with the leader of the group, Mitsugi Saotome, Ledyard was convinced to try out a class. From that moment, he was hooked. As the years went by, Ledyard trained in other … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Aikidoka George Ledyard: The Past and the Future of Aikido, Part I

Interview with Longtime Daito-ryu Practitioner Eric Pearson: Finding the Aiki in Everything, Part I

Eric Pearson first stared into the window at the practicing aikidoka during his smoke break at a local pizza shop, convincing himself that his kung fu skills would take out all of them. Then something inspired him to walk in for practice, and he never looked back. He began training under Russell Waddell and Chuck … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Daito-ryu Practitioner Eric Pearson: Finding the Aiki in Everything, Part I

Interview with Multi-Martial Artist Jack Bieler: Daito-ryu, Aikido, and Weapons

Jack Bieler has a seventh dan in aikido and a sixth dan in jodo from the Fugakukai and Kaze Uta Budo Kai. He received Gomokuroku in Shindo Muso-ryu Jodo from Osato Kohei, Menkyo Kaiden of the Nihon Jodokai. He is eighth dan Kyoshi in the Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaido Seitokai under Fukui Masato Soke. In … Continue reading Interview with Multi-Martial Artist Jack Bieler: Daito-ryu, Aikido, and Weapons

Interview with Chushin Aikido Founder Erik DiVietro: Tomiki Aikido and Aiki

Erik DiVietro has a different take on Tomiki Aikido. He had a chance to participate in three different Tomiki Aikido organizations and has studied other styles of aikido to explore the root of the art – aiki. DiVietro currently teaches what he has discovered about aiki at his Chūshin Aikido. Today, DiVietro discusses his time … Continue reading Interview with Chushin Aikido Founder Erik DiVietro: Tomiki Aikido and Aiki