Interview with Ram’s Head Fencing Founder Josias Arcadia: Lineages and Competitions, Part II

He had to train in secret at first, but after a move to Minnesota, Josias Arcadia found a school to practice historical fencing. In an effort to learn more of the German tradition of longsword, Arcadia began his Ram’s Head Fencing and began training with James Riley in the Kunst des Fechtens tradition. Recently, he … Continue reading Interview with Ram’s Head Fencing Founder Josias Arcadia: Lineages and Competitions, Part II

Interview with Ram’s Head Fencing Founder Josias Arcadia: Lineages and Competitions, Part I

He had to train in secret at first, but after a move to Minnesota, Josias Arcadia found a school to practice historical fencing. In an effort to learn more of the German tradition of longsword, Arcadia began his Ram’s Head Fencing and began training with James Riley in the Kunst des Fechtens tradition. Recently, he … Continue reading Interview with Ram’s Head Fencing Founder Josias Arcadia: Lineages and Competitions, Part I

Interview with Order of the Blade Founder Richard Hughes: From the Duel to the Battlefield

Richard Hughes really wanted to be competitive with a weapon in hand. After learning Shinkendo, Hughes found historical fencing and has stuck with it since. He thrived on taking apart a concept, boiling it down to its essential principles and implementing his discoveries into his training. Likewise, he enjoys using this method to reach each … Continue reading Interview with Order of the Blade Founder Richard Hughes: From the Duel to the Battlefield

Interview with Hotspur School of Defence Founder Robert Brooks: Finding Common Ground Through Fencing

Robert Brooks began sabre fencing in 1987 and almost stumbled upon the Dawn Duellists Society with Guy Windsor and Paul Macdonald in 1994 when he attended Napier University. In 2003, Brooks established his Hotspur School of Defence, eventually bringing the messer into more common use. Additionally, he authored At Your Mercy in 2023, expanding the … Continue reading Interview with Hotspur School of Defence Founder Robert Brooks: Finding Common Ground Through Fencing

Interview with SoCal Swords Founder RJ McKeehan: Training and Supplying HEMA Part II

Swords were always enticing to RJ McKeehan, especially after a friend from Europe told him about the historical fencing events being held in the continent. He finally got the chance to try his hand at historical fencing in 2010 when he attended California State University. There, he learned from Jonathan Mashar and Jason Taylor who … Continue reading Interview with SoCal Swords Founder RJ McKeehan: Training and Supplying HEMA Part II

Interview with SoCal Swords Founder RJ McKeehan: Training and Supplying HEMA Part I

Swords were always enticing to RJ McKeehan, especially after a friend from Europe told him about the historical fencing events being held in the continent. He finally got the chance to try his hand at historical fencing in 2010 when he attended California State University. There, he learned from Jonathan Mashar and Jason Taylor who … Continue reading Interview with SoCal Swords Founder RJ McKeehan: Training and Supplying HEMA Part I

Interview with Lightspeed Saber League Founder Cang Snow: The Uniqueness of Light-Based Fencing

After spending some time in Olympic Epee, Cang Snow wanted to find a sport that was both fun for the participant and the spectator. He set out to establish Lightspeed Saber League for just that. In the aftermath of the recent Covid pandemic, the League has grown, something which Snow is planning on continuing. Today, … Continue reading Interview with Lightspeed Saber League Founder Cang Snow: The Uniqueness of Light-Based Fencing

Interview with Macdonald Academy of Arms Founder Paul Macdonald: Finding and Exploring Historical Fencing

Zorro first inspired Paul Macdonald to pick up a sword and fence. He did not start officially fencing until he reached university level, learning Modern Olympic Fencing. Something was missing from this type of fencing for Macdonald. That something was found in Domenico Angelo’s late seventeenth century treatise and the rest for him was history. … Continue reading Interview with Macdonald Academy of Arms Founder Paul Macdonald: Finding and Exploring Historical Fencing

Interview with Starbird Academy Instructor Kat Laurange: All the Things!

An avid Star Wars fan, it did not take a lot of convincing for Kat Laurange to try out light-based fencing with the now-defunct Kyber Combat. At the same time, she was training winged sabre with Russ Mitchell, who headed Starbird Saber Academy. In 2023, Laurange took over instructional responsibilities and, just like training in … Continue reading Interview with Starbird Academy Instructor Kat Laurange: All the Things!

Interview with Longtime HEMAist Jess Finley: Adventures in Translating, Teaching, and Fencing, Part I

Like with many historical fencers, Jessica Finley had an interest in swords at an early age, ultimately finding the Renaissance Faire to explore her interests. It was not until she acquired internet that she found what was then called Western Martial Arts and her current teacher, Christian Tobler. Since then, she has diligently studied, translated, … Continue reading Interview with Longtime HEMAist Jess Finley: Adventures in Translating, Teaching, and Fencing, Part I