Interview with Longtime Aikidoka George Ledyard: The Past and the Future of Aikido, Part I

During a time of anti-violent movements, George Ledyard stumbled upon an aikido demonstration while living in Washington DC. After watching the demonstration and talking with the leader of the group, Mitsugi Saotome, Ledyard was convinced to try out a class. From that moment, he was hooked. As the years went by, Ledyard trained in other … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Aikidoka George Ledyard: The Past and the Future of Aikido, Part I

Interview with Yobushin Dojo Founder Paul Smith: Tomiki Aikido and the Jiyushinkai

Paul Smith began training in aikido at the Indiana University Club in 1986, learning Tomiki Aikido. He and the club had an affiliation with a group of Tomiki practitioners in Chicago where Bob Dziubla originated. In 1998, he joined and began following the teachings of the Jiyushinkai under the direction of Chuck Clark, being captivated … Continue reading Interview with Yobushin Dojo Founder Paul Smith: Tomiki Aikido and the Jiyushinkai

Interview with Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai Founder Marc Abrams: Shizuo Imaizumi and His Ever-Changing Legacy

In 1988, Marc Abrams attended a class led by Shizuo Imaizumi at the suggestion of some friends. After attempting to attack Imaizumi for real, Abrams was completely surprised at the result and convinced him to continue training under Imaizumi. Abrams later became the intermediary between his instructor and the outside aikido world. Since Imaizumi retired … Continue reading Interview with Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai Founder Marc Abrams: Shizuo Imaizumi and His Ever-Changing Legacy

Interview with Boulder Aikikai Founder Hiroshi Ikeda: A Journey with Mitsugi Saotome

Hiroshi Ikeda first trained judo in his high school years before finding aikido at Kokugakuin University, in 1969. There, he began studying directly under Mitsugi Saotome, and soon enrolled in his Reimei Juku Dojo the next year. When an American aikidoka (Bill McIntyre) invited Saotome to teach in Florida in 1976, Ikeda followed him to … Continue reading Interview with Boulder Aikikai Founder Hiroshi Ikeda: A Journey with Mitsugi Saotome

Interview with Aikido of San Leandro Founder Patricia Hendricks: Morihiro Saito, Iwama, and the Legacy, Part II

Patricia Hendricks Sensei stumbled into an aikido class led by Mary Heiny in the San Francisco Bay area in 1974, quickly finding a teacher and lifelong friend in Stanley Pranin. They eventually moved to train at the Oakland Dojo – Aikido Institute – that focused on Iwama-ryu, propagated by Morihiro Saito Sensei. After a handful … Continue reading Interview with Aikido of San Leandro Founder Patricia Hendricks: Morihiro Saito, Iwama, and the Legacy, Part II

Interview with Longtime Aikidoka Kirk Scott: Aikido of Tamalpais

This interview was originally conducted in the fall of 2020, as the first of many planned interviewed within an organizational project. Kirk Scott first started out in Koei Kan karate-do until he needed a break from training after the injuries he sustained. He later found aikido and has continued with it ever since. Today, Scott … Continue reading Interview with Longtime Aikidoka Kirk Scott: Aikido of Tamalpais

Interview with Aikido of Madison Cofounders Robin Cooper and John Stone: Their Journey Through Aikido and Beyond, Part II

Both Robin Cooper and John Stone started aikido at the same time, beginning their study in a dojo affiliated with Akira Tohei. After moving to California in the late 1970s, both of them trained with a variety of aikidoka and schools, ranging from Frank Doran, Bob Bryner, Bob Nadeau, and Bill Witt, to LA Aikikai … Continue reading Interview with Aikido of Madison Cofounders Robin Cooper and John Stone: Their Journey Through Aikido and Beyond, Part II

Interview with Aikido of Madison Cofounders Robin Cooper and John Stone: Their Journey Through Aikido and Beyond, Part I

Both Robin Cooper and John Stone started aikido at the same time, beginning their study in a dojo affiliated with Akira Tohei. After moving to California in the late 1970s, both of them trained with a variety of aikidoka and schools, ranging from Frank Doran, Bob Bryner, Bob Nadeau, and Bill Witt, to LA Aikikai … Continue reading Interview with Aikido of Madison Cofounders Robin Cooper and John Stone: Their Journey Through Aikido and Beyond, Part I

Interview with Senior Shindai Aikikai Instructor Brain Canin: Dennis Hooker and Aikido

Brian Canin first started tai chi until he tried aikido with David Jones after one of his tai chi classes. He never looked back. A little bit later into his aikido journey, he met Dennis Hooker and began training under him. Canin would train under Hooker until the latter’s passing, assuming a leadership role at … Continue reading Interview with Senior Shindai Aikikai Instructor Brain Canin: Dennis Hooker and Aikido

Interview With Aikido of Monterey Dojo-Cho Danielle Smith: Aikido in Northern California, Part II

Danielle Smith began training under Stanley Pranin in 1973, eventually taking over Pranin’s Aikido of Monterey three years later. As she continued through her aikido journey, she had the opportunity to experience many different early instructors, like Frank Doran, Mary Heiny, Linda Holiday, and Motomichi Anno. She also trained in Hakko-ryu Jujutsu, Seibukan Jujutsu, and … Continue reading Interview With Aikido of Monterey Dojo-Cho Danielle Smith: Aikido in Northern California, Part II