Interview with Order of the Blade Founder Richard Hughes: From the Duel to the Battlefield

Richard Hughes really wanted to be competitive with a weapon in hand. After learning Shinkendo, Hughes found historical fencing and has stuck with it since. He thrived on taking apart a concept, boiling it down to its essential principles and implementing his discoveries into his training. Likewise, he enjoys using this method to reach each … Continue reading Interview with Order of the Blade Founder Richard Hughes: From the Duel to the Battlefield

Interview with 417 HEMA Founder José Ortiz-Inchausty: Fencing From Puerto Rico to Missouri

Like many historical fencers before the explosion of the internet, YouTube, and other platforms, José Ortiz-Inchausty early training was composed of pieces of information coupled with his background in previous martial arts. His interest in historical fencing became more apparent while he was in college and a few of his friends helped him and each … Continue reading Interview with 417 HEMA Founder José Ortiz-Inchausty: Fencing From Puerto Rico to Missouri